Surgery is performed at Downtown Animal Clinic Monday to Friday. Our veterinarians are committed to providing the safest and most comfortable surgical procedures for all pets.
We recognize that owners frequently have concerns related to anesthesia and surgical safety. For that reason, we take many precautions to reduce the risk your pet may face during anesthesia including:
Pre-anesthetic blood testing is available to determine if your pet is an ideal anesthetic candidate and allows us to fine tune our anesthetic protocols to suit your pet’s needs.
Individually tailored anesthetic protocols with the newest and most effective medications helps ensure that your pet is kept as safe and pain free as possible.
Strict sterile surgical technique is important to prevent post surgical infections. Routine use of prophylactic antibiotics is avoided to reduce risks of bacterial resistance.
Intravenous fluids help maintain blood pressure and prevent injuries to vital organs which can occur as a result of decreased blood flow (a side effect of general anesthetic). Intravenous access also gives us the ability to more easily correct problems that we may face during an anesthetic procedure.
Continuous monitoring of anesthetized patients, including heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure monitoring.
Constant warming of anesthetized patients is done to reduce the risks associated with low body temperature encountered during general anesthesia.
Call us to book an appointment (403) 262-3237